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> Attention: Планеты Мандалорианской Конфедерации, информационная база
Юлия Фетт
сообщение 3 Ноябрь 2007, 22:29
Сообщение #1

Иконка группы

Группа: Бывалый
Сообщений: 304
Регистрация: 16 Июнь 2007
Пользователь №: 6769

Системы в составе Мандалорианской Конфедерации

Mandalore - Outer Rim

Системы Мандалорианской Конфедерации
Althir - Outer Rim
Cathar (planet) - Expansion Region
Concord Dawn - Outer Rim
Kerest - Outer Rim
Gargon - Outer Rim
Ordo - Outer Rim
Shogun - Outer Rim
Taris - Outer Rim
Thanos - Mid Rim
Vorpa'ya - Outer Rim

Системы Боевого Братства
Ambria - Inner Rim
Onderon - Inner Rim

Системы Антарийского Союза
Cularin - Expansion Region
Druckenwell - Mid Rim

Сообщение отредактировал Джейсон Фетт - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 07:08

Тэцудаттэ мораэмасэн ка? - Ийэ!
*Ю. Ф. находится под действием ЛЛД...
*стоит на страже чистоты русского языка.
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:42
Сообщение #2

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Алтир
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Сектор: неизвестно
Галактические координаты: P-6
Количество тел в системе: планета Алтир

Планета: Althir
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: алтири
Интересные локации: Кольца Алтира
Крупные города:
Описание: Алтир – отдаленная независимая планета в одноименной системе, находившаяся за пределами Галактической Республики. В ней также находились каменные планетарные кольца.
Алтир стал ареной двух крупных битв во время Старой Войны Ситхов, и в обоих участвовали мандалорианские неокрестоносцы. Первая битва произошла в ранние годы Мандалорианских Войн, примерно между 3976 и 3963 BBY. Это было столкновение между армией вторжения Мандалора под командованием Кандероса Ордо и силами обороны алтири. Мандалориане одержали победу и завоевали планету, но не смогли удержать ее надолго.
Вторая битва произошла через несколько лет – около 3960 BBY. На этот раз столкнулись республиканские войска под командованием джедая Ревана и армия Мандалора. Реван принес Республике победу и его войска искоренили мандалорианский режим на Алтире.


Солнце: Althir
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Althir относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:26

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:43
Сообщение #3

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Катар
Регион: Регион Экспансии
Галактические координаты: N-6
Количество тел в системе: планета Катар и один спутник

Планета: Cathar
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Гравитация: стандартная
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: умеренный
Ландшафт: саванны, неровные возвышенности
Стандартный день: 24 стандартных часа
Стандартный год: 259 местных дней
Численность населения:
Основные виды: катары (99%), килтики, гигантские рогатые прыгуны
Интересные локации:
Экономика: основные продукты импорта – предметы роскоши и технология
Крупные города:
Описание: Катар – родная планета одноименной расы, обладающая большим количеством экологических ниш и примечательная крупными хищными насекомыми.
Ее обитатели жили в домах на деревьях, а большие участки планеты были превращены в пустыню жуками-килтиками.
В результате битвы на Катаре планета была завоевана мандалорианами, что привело к порабощению и почти уничтожению местного населения. Немногим выжившим пришлось покинуть свой мир, чтобы выжить. После окончания Мандалорианских Войн Катар начал вновь заселяться, и ко времени Галактической Гражданской Войны уже полностью оправился от нанесенных ран.
До опустошения планеты она не входила в Галактическую Республику. Неизвестно, присоединился ли Катар к ней позже.
Еще один примечательный вид – гигантские рогатые прыгуны – часто служили объектами кровавой охоты для катаров.


Луна: ?
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 540 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 2 500
Гравитация: 0,4G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -250
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Солнце: Cathar
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Cathar относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 21:53

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:43
Сообщение #4

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон

Concord Dawn

Система: Конкорд Дон
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Мандалора
Галактические координаты: О-7
Количество тел в системе: планета Конкорд Дон

Планета: Конкорд Дон
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: луга
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: люди (в основном фермеры)
Интересные локации: ферма Феттов
Города: отсутствуют
Описание: Конкорд Дон был засушливой слабонаселенной планетой во Внешнем Кольце, где жили в основном фермеры.
Закон на Конкорд Доне олицетворяли Наемные Протекторы. В 58 BBY планета оказалась втянута в Мандалорианскую Гражданскую Войну; именно там Истинных Мандалориан атаковали сепаратисты из Часовых Смерти.
Эта планета дала миру многих мандалориан – на Конкорд Доне родился и Джанго Фетт, и его наставник Джастер Мереель. С этой же планеты был родом имперский лейтенант Шекил. Ходили ложные слухи о том, что Шекил – брат-близнец Бобы Фетта.
Также Конкорд Дон был родиной каратосской чумы. Все его население с рождения прививалось против нее.


Солнце: Concord
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Concord Dawn относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 21:55

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:46
Сообщение #5

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Керест
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Слуиса
Галактические координаты:
Количество тел в системе: планета Керест и спутники Каролистон и Фарнас

Планета: Керест
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: керестийцы
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: Керест – родной мир керестийцев.
В течение известной нам истории планета застыла в ледниковом периоде. Лишь немногие животные сумели адаптироваться и выжить, так как единственное пригодное для жизни место было возле экватора. Планету открыл Дом Тагга и ее в конце концов завоевали мандалориане.


Луна: Karoliston
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 440 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 1 350
Гравитация: 0,2G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -250
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Луна: Pharnas
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 596 200 км
Окружность экватора, км: 2 200
Гравитация: 0,5G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -250
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: стандартных часов
Стандартный год: местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Солнце: Kerest
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Kerest относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 21:57

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:48
Сообщение #6

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Gargon
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Мандалора
Галактические координаты: О-7
Количество тел в системе: планета Гаргон

Планета: Гаргон
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: люди
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: Гаргон – планета в секторе Мандалора.
Эта планета была под контролем гангстеров, и здесь добывалась немалая часть фобия в Галактике. В некий момент до присоединения к Повстанческому Альянсу Хэн Соло и Чубакка вломились в спайсовые хранилища Гаргона и получили двойную плату за успешную кражу спайса.
С Гаргона был родом гранд-адмирал Милтин Такель. Около 3 ABY гранд-адмирал Джозеф Гранджер помогал заместителю Такеля в патрулировании системы из-за сообщений о мародерах-альбиносах. Он предал своего товарища-адмирала и захватил планету после битвы при Эндоре. Несмотря на безуспешную попытку Такеля сбросить его, Гранджер продолжал держать на планете свой штаб, пока не погиб в битве при Тралусе в 5 ABY


Солнце: Gargon
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Gargon относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:01

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:48
Сообщение #7

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Ордо
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Галактические координаты:
Количество тел в системе: планета Ордо

Планета: Ордо
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: пустыни, растительность у экватора
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: Ордо – родной дом мандалорианского клана Ордо; из него происходил Кандерос, ставший Мандалором в 3956 BBY. Это по большей части пустынная планета, но на экваторе имелось немного растительности.


Солнце: Ordo
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Ordo относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:03

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:49
Сообщение #8

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Сёгун
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Мандалора
Галактические координаты:
Количество тел в системе: планета Сёгун

Планета: Сёгун
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: кристаллический
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: Сегун – мандалорианская планета. За годы до Великой Войны Ситхов ее завоевал один из древних Мандалоров; этот мир славился сюрреалистическими ландшафтами. Именно там погиб Фенн Шиса, спасая жизнь Бобы Фетта. Позже Эйлин Вел нашла на планете тело Шисы и «Раб IV».


Солнце: Shogun
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Shogun относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:04

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:50
Сообщение #9

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Taris
Регион: Outer Rim
Сектор: Taris sector
Галактические координаты:
Количество тел в системе: The Taris system was home to the planet of Taris and the star of the same name. Inside Taris' orbit was located an asteroid field, including the "rogue moon".

Планета: Taris
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Диаметр экватора, км: 12,200 km
Гравитация: Standard
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: Temperate
Ландшафт: Urban sprawl, Oceans
Стандартный день: 24 standard hours
Стандартный год: 314 local days
Численность населения: 1 billion
Основные виды: Human, Rakghoul, Tach, Immigrated species - Duros, Hutt, Ithorian, Quarren, Rodian, Snivvian, Trandoshan, Twi'lek
Интересные локации: Promised Land (hypothetical), Upper City, Middle City, Lower City, Undercity, Jedi Tower, Swoop track, aris dueling ring
Экономика: Major imports - Foodstuffs, Raw materials; Major exports - Luxury items, Tarisian ale, Technology
Крупные города: Ecumenopolis
Описание: Taris was an urban planet in the Outer Rim Territories. The term Tarisian was used to describe people and products from the planet. The planet's ecumenopolis quickly developing over a century of prosperity, the planet suffered from massive overpopulation. Once a galactic nexus, Taris' importance declined with the introduction of improved trade routes, and the planet rapidly fell into decay. The remainder of the planet's history was wrought with civil disorder and social unrest. As it turned to industry as a means of compensation for its economic troubles, its oceans became polluted, eliminating the planet's main food source. Famine spread among the lower classes while the rich hoarded what few supplies remained. The resulting strife led to the Tarisian Civil War, the start of lasting prejudices between the Humanocentric Tarisian nobles and the largely alien underclass. The city became segmented, and the lower classes were banned from living in the upper levels of Taris.
During the Mandalorian Wars, Taris served as a crucial rallying point for dissident Jedi who had decided to fight against the invading Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. As the lower classes were crushed beneath the rich, crime became rampant, and the Tarisian government did little in response. This caused Lhosan Industries, a mining company which employed half of the planet's lower class in its operation, to leave Taris. The millions left unemployed rioted against the government, kidnapping the planet's senator in the Galactic Senate as well as the local constable. This caused the local Jedi to leave Taris as well, leaving the planet in a state of anarchy, as the war raged on around it.
By the time of the Jedi Civil War, order had been restored, but swoop gangs and crime still held sway over the Lower City. During the war, Taris was conquered by the Sith Empire, which quarantined the planet in an attempt to capture Jedi Bastila Shan. As the search continued fruitlessly, the Sith leader Darth Malak, ordered the bombardment of Taris, killing countless civilians. This act had huge political repercussions for the Sith and changed the tone of the rest of the war, showing Malak and the Sith's true colors, the desire to achieve victory at any cost.
Over the next few millennia the planet managed to rebuild and recover from its devastation, though never reaching the extent of its former glory. Similar to other ecumenopoleis like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, the upper levels were safe and secure, inhabited by the wealthy, while the lower levels were frequently plagued by gang warfare and inhabited by thugs and the poor.
Taris was a ecumenopolis, at least in that all its landmasses were covered in a large city. However, unlike other ecumenopoleis, Taris had an ocean that covered a large part of the planet's surface. The ocean once possessed massive kelp farms that were used to sustain the planet's immense population. However, these farms were poisoned by pollution, leading to food shortages in the city.[1]
Taris, as seen from the Endar Spire.
The city itself was formed over a century of prosperity,[1] a remarkable feat considering other ecumenopoleis such as Nar Shaddaa took many centuries,[11] even millennia, to form. The towers of the city were tall and gleaming, possessing a unique, universally-rounded appearance not found on other ecumenopoleis. However, beneath the planet's initial pristine exterior lay the result of many years of lawlessness and oppression. In the Lower City of Taris, the largely non-human population lived in total poverty and desperation, prevented from entering the safer Upper City, which was almost exclusively inhabited by rich Humans. Following the bombardment of Taris at the hands of the Sith Empire, the city was left in ruins. Although much of the city would be rebuilt in the following centuries, many ruins remained.[1]
Flora and fauna
Being an ecumenopolis,[1] Taris had relatively little animal or plant life. There were however several important species.[1][10]
In the upper levels of Taris there were feathered dogs used almost exclusively as pets. These unique creatures could be seen on leashes as their owners took them out on walks through the promenades of Taris. There were also large lizards that were domesticated and used to pull refuse through the Lower City.[10]
One of the only species of wild animals on Taris was the simian Tach. The Tach possessed a unique gland in their heads that, when powdered, could be used to make Tarisian ale, a major export of Taris.[1]
The rakghoul, the fiercest and most terrifying species on Taris, inhabited the Undercity. They were mutated humans that ruthlessly attacked anything outside of the protective gates of the Undercity. Contact with the rakghouls caused a sentient to contract the rakghoul disease, a terrible affliction that would cause the victim to turn into a rakghoul.[1]
The oceans of Taris once hosted a variety of kelp and marine life that were harvested as food for the Tarisians. These were later destroyed by pollution from Taris' many industries.[1]
Circa 4,300 BBY, Taris was situated on a major hyperspace transport hub not far from the Hyperlane known as the Perlemian Trade Route, and was called the "Coruscant of the Outer Rim."[11] Taris became an ecumenopolis, with all landmasses eclipsed with a world-spanning city. The city's grandeur was once said to rival the galactic capital, Coruscant, itself. However, the planet wasn't truly a planet-wide city, as unlike other city-planets such as Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, it contained an ocean.[1].
Civil war and anti-alien prejudice
Since there were no land areas dedicated to agriculture, the native populace harvested kelp and sea life from the ocean. However, industrial waste polluted the once pristine ocean, destroying the kelp farms and killing the marine life. Famine swept the planet. Panicking, the greedy Tarisian nobles hoarded the remaining food for themselves. In 4,056 BBY, the starving lower-class engaged the nobles in a massive civil war. Ultimately, the nobles triumphed. The Tarisian prisons couldn't hold all the rebels, so the nobles began the tradition of banishing criminals to the Undercity. Also, because many of the rebels were aliens, the human nobles became prejudiced against non-Humans, and banished them from the Upper City, punishing any that dared to enter the upper levels without a permit. Thus began the long oppression by the Humanocentric Tarisian nobility of the non-human lower class.[1]
It was believed that the swoop bike first originated on Taris.[6][12] It was here that swoop racing captured the imagination of the galaxy around 4,000 BBY. Using an intricate system of hyperspace beacons, Tarisian race organizers broadcast the results of their swoop races throughout the galaxy which eventually gave rise to a huge and profitable gambling operation. Taris remained a hub for swoop racing for decades, becoming the center of the Galactic Swoop Racing Circuit.[1]
In 4,086 BBY Taris also received an extremely harsh review in Trampeta's Star Guide, as it was given the lowest possible recommendation. According to the author, T3 droids working in one of Taris' starports stole his baggage.[13] While probably not having any influence on the development of the planet itself, it was nonetheless a reflection of the decay that Taris was undergoing. Soon, new hyperspace routes rendered Taris largely obsolete in terms of its relevance to intragalactic trade.[1]
Joining the Republic
In a secret backroom deal, Haydel Goravvus helped install Lhosan Industries on Taris and in exchange, Jervo Thalien managed to bribe Taris into the Republic and install Goravvus as its Senator.[5]
Mandalorian Wars
Around the year 3,964 BBY, Captain Saul Karath commanded the Republic fleet that protected Taris during the Mandalorian Wars. Due to Taris' close proximity to the Mandalorian War front, it had been granted Republic membership in 3,966 BBY and it became the heart of the Republic's defense for the region. The planet served as a staging point for dissident Jedi and their allies for campaigns against the Mandalorians.[10]
Meanwhile, Taris had compensated for its decaying importance to trade routes by negotiating with Lhosan Industries, which employed over half of the Lower City residents in its mining activities. However, due to increasing swoop gang activity, Lhosan was considering pulling out, and moving its operations to a world with less crime. The local authorities assured Lhosan Industries that they had the swoop gangs fully under control, and would take care of them with the assistance from the local Jedi. However, after a fugitive Jedi Padawan named Zayne Carrick was accused of murdering the entire graduating class of new Jedi Knights and escaped twice from Jedi custody in the Jedi Tower, Lhosan made its decision, and abandoned Taris.[10]
This left many of Tarisians unemployed, and angry citizens began rioting all over Taris, setting entire sections of skyline on fire. The riots soon spilled up into the Middle City. Crime began to envelope Taris. The Senator that represented the planet in the Galactic Senate disappeared, and the constable's family was kidnapped. Due to the political anarchy, the Jedi based on Taris were recalled to Coruscant, abandoning the Tarisians to their fates. Taris was also largely abandoned by the Republic military. It maintained only a small military base on the planet's surface. Without the protection of the Jedi and the Republic military, Taris was left open to a Mandalorian invasion.[10]
The Mandalorians used Taris to make their first direct strike at the Republic. The Tarisians managed to form a small resistance movement led by Senator Goravvus and swoop gangs such as the Hidden Beks employed guerrilla tactics to assist them. The Chancellor of the Republic became suspicious of Taris' quick entry into the Republic and sent Jedi Master Raana Tey to retrieve Goravvus. Jervo Thalien, head of Lhosan, became frantic since it was Goravvus who had installed Lhosan on the planet and Jervo had arranged a Senate seat for him in return. He hired Marn Hierogryph and the Moomo Brothers to retrieve the Senator. He promised Hierogryph a reprieve of the Massacre charges and most of the bounties on him lifted, but also secretly ordered the Moomo Brothers to kill Goravvus, as he had become a liability.[12]
Hierogryph met up with the Beks and was soon reunited with Zayne Carrick. The Beks wished to join with the Resistance but had nothing of value to offer them. Luckily, Carrick found the constable's children, who were being held hostage by Brejik and Griff Vao. The Beks then took the children to the Resistance, where they were reunited with their mother. Together, they sought to take out the Mandalorian commander, Cassus Fett, who was using the Jedi Tower as his base. By that time he had abandoned it to take the fight to the Resistance, driving them into the Undercity.[14]
The Jedi Civil War
Battle over Taris
Though the Republic maintained a small military presence on Taris, the planet had not been viewed with any military importance since the First Battle of Taris. This changed when the Sith succeeded in overrunning nearly the entire Outer Rim, leaving Taris as the last valuable planet in that region still under Republic control.
The Endar Spire above Taris.
In 3,956 BBY the galactic senators decided to make a stand there and the Endar Spire soon arrived above the planet to bulk up the existing garrison.[1] Several important members of the Republic war effort were onboard the Endar Spire including Carth Onasi, Bastila Shan, and an amnesiac Revan (who was currently under the impression that he was a Republic soldier).
While on a mission over Taris, the Endar Spire was ambushed by a Sith warship. Bastila Shan was famous for her affinity to the Force and her skill with battle meditation, but she was unable to use her powers during the ensuing battle. The Sith troops quickly seized the ship in an attempt to capture Shan to use her Jedi powers for their own goals. Shan and several other crew members were able to escape the ships in escape pods. The Sith then destroyed the Endar Spire.[1]
Shan's escape pod landed outside the Undercity of Taris, while others crashed in the Upper City. Many Upper City citizens gave over injured Republic soldiers to the local healer, Zelka Forn. The Black Vulkars, a swoop gang of the Lower City, swarmed over the Republic escape pods that landed in the Under City, salvaging what was left of them. Shan had been unable to exit her escape pod in time and was captured by the Vulkars. Revan and Onasi's pod had landed in the Upper City and they were able to find an abandoned apartment to hide out in while they planned Shan's rescue.[1]
Sith conquest
The rest of the Sith fleet quickly arrived above Taris, and began landing their troops on the planet. There was little resistance from the Tarisians, and the Sith were able to take the Republic military base without much trouble.[1]
Darth Malak, leader of the Sith armada, enacted a planet-wide quarantine, preventing any ships from landing on or leaving Taris. The Sith also programmed their orbiting fleet to auto-target any ships that attempted to do so. This was all part of Malak's plan to capture Shan. Sith troops questioned the Upper City residents about the escape pods that landed there, searching for any surviving crew from the Endar Spire. Malak also sent Sith patrols into the Undercity to look for Shan, using the rakghoul serum to protect them from a mutating disease spread by rakghouls.[1]
The quarantine kept many off-worlders who were on business on Taris from leaving the planet. Since aliens were forbidden in the Upper City without a permit, off-world aliens were ordered into the slums of the Lower City while the quarantine was active. The Sith did little to enforce this edict when off-world aliens ventured into the Upper City.[1]
A local gang war between the Hidden Beks and the Black Vulkars further hindered the Sith's efforts to find Shan. Brejik, the leader of the Black Vulkars, wanted to encourage recruitment into his gang and gain dominance over the Lower City by winning the swoop season opener. He had a prototype accelerator stolen from the Beks, which would allow the Vulkars to win the race. He even offerer Shan up as a prize to raise the stakes.[1]
This was Onasi and Revan's opportunity to rescue Shan. Cooperating with the Hidden Beks, Revan stole back the swoop accelerator and won the Taris swoop championship. Brejik, unwilling to give up his prize, retracted Shan from the prize pool. While Revan protested, Shan freed herself and a brawl erupted. In the end Brejik was killed, and Revan escaped with Shan.[1]
Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian enforcer for Davik Kang, the local crime-lord and member of the Exchange, was impressed by Revan's skill and boldness during the race and the brawl afterwards. He approached Revan with a plan to escape Taris and told him where he could obtain a droid, T3-M4, that would be capable of bypassing the security system for the Sith military base. This would allow them to break into the base to steal the codes necessary to bypass the Sith blockade. Ordo then took Revan to Kang's estate, to steal his ship, the Ebon Hawk.[1]
Destruction of Taris
On his flagship, the Leviathan, Darth Malak grew impatient with the search for Shan. He feared her possible escape and ordered his fleet to bombard the entire planet. This was arguably the most horrific event during the Jedi Civil War. Taris was destroyed unnecessarily as Revan and his crew, including Shan, escaped the bombardment. It is assumed that most of the Upper City citizens were killed while only a few citizens, most notably Calo Nord, survived the destruction.[1]
Many centuries after the planet's devastation, Taris was finally resettled by Human colonists. These settlers were famous for their ship-building skills. These settlers rebuilt some of the planet's former cities, though much of the surface was left in ruins.[6] Historians attempted to excavate the planet-wide ruins, looking for proof that the swoop bike originated on Taris. Not long after Taris was linked to the Hydian Way Route, the sole route that passed through the entire Galaxy.[6]
There is evidence that a battle was fought on Taris during the Galactic Civil War. In 1 BBY Pirates fed the Rebel Alliance false information about Taris's Imperial defenses. The Rebels defeated the Imperials at Taris and the pirates revealed their true colors. They sent three Interceptor-class frigates to mop up any remaining Rebel forces but were easily defeated.[6] Near the end of the war Gilad Pellaeon conquered the planet.[15]
As of 40 ABY, the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett owned a private residence on Taris. He had once taken a bounty down in the Undercity and retained bad memories of the experience. He returned to the planet to research the possible whereabouts of the Kaminoan Taun We, and unwittingly met his granddaughter.[16]
edit Locations
The city of Taris was divided into four levels: the Upper City, the Middle City, the Lower City and the Undercity.[1] Each possessed unique inhabitants, lifestyles and problems.[10]
The Upper City
The Upper City was a beautiful area inhabited by the rich and powerful people. They lived in the highest reaches of the towering skyscrapers that dominated the planet's landscape. Here, the privileged surrounded themselves with the all the trappings of prosperity, oblivious to the suffering and oppression of those forced to dwell far below them. Although access to the Upper City was restricted, notable non-Humans found in the Upper City included a Twi'lek droid merchant Janice Nall, Ajuur the Hutt, and a Rodian duelist named Twitch.[1]
At some point prior to or during the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Order established a satellite training academy on Taris, ostensibly as a means of preparing its students for the more rigorous duties of patrolling the Outer Rim. The relationship between the Jedi and the Tarisian authorities was mutually beneficial and the planetary constabulary sought in vain for more Jedi to be stationed there. The pressing threat of the Mandalorians, rendered this wish untenable, with all enclave graduates earmarked for front-line combat duty. In the midst of the Mandalorian invasion, the academy, under the leadership of headmaster Lucien Draay, was partially destroyed during an attempt to kill Cassus Fett, by the Tarisian Resistance.[10]
The Upper City featured a cantina famous for its dueling ring owned by Ajuur the Hutt, and Zelka Forn's medical facility, which possessed a reputation for being able to heal all diseases except the infamous rakghoul plague. During the Second Sith War, a Sith military base was also established in the Upper City, and its roads were heavily patrolled by Sith troopers.[1]
The Middle City
The Middle City was the most populous level of Taris. The middle class and working citizens of the planet's Human population lived there. Many small business owners lived there, and most average people came to the Middle City to conduct business. Swoops and air speeders traversed through the air-traffic ways that cut through the many avenues of the Middle City towers. The Middle City was also the largest area, since a large portion of buildings were included in the jurisdiction of the "middle area". After the second escape of fugitive Jedi Zayne Carrick, massive riots rocked the Middle City, causing extensive damage. Although not entirely devoid of crime, the Middle City was notably more peaceful than the lower levels of Taris.[10]
The Lower City
The Lower City was home to the lower class people who had not been born into the privileged classes of Tarisian society. Aliens were common there, as it was one of the few areas on Taris where they were legally allowed to live. A popular lower city attraction was Javyar's Cantina. Here, another Hutt named Zax placed bounties and rewarded successful bounty hunters on behalf of his de facto boss, Davik Kang.
Control over the Lower City streets was the subject of rivalry between swoop gangs. These gangs had pilots who competed in swoop racing, a popular sport on Taris and other planets (among them Tatooine and Manaan) since 4,000 BBY. The most notable swoop gangs were the Hidden Beks, led by Gadon Thek, and the Black Vulkars, led by Gadon's protegй Brejik.
As one descended into the slums of the Lower City, the signs of urban decay became undeniable. Filth and refuse littered the streets. Burned out vehicles and shattered windows served as stark reminders of the violent wars of the swoop gangs fighting for control. Denizens of the Lower City struggled to survive amidst the violence and filth of the urban wasteland.[1]
The Undercity
The Undercity was a village on the ground level beneath the immense skyscrapers of Taris. It was a dark, wild area inhabited by the Outcasts—people whose predecessors had been banished for their crimes. The Outcasts never saw the sky in their miserable lives, and nobody had hope that their lives would ever turn for the better. Rukil was the exception. He was an old man who was considered crazy by the rest of the village because of his stories about the Promised Land, a self-sufficient colony built long before the founding of the Undercity. No one else believed in these stories, and most of the villagers considered them to be tales created with the purpose of giving people false hope. The amnesiac Revan assisted Rukil in discovering the alleged location of the Promised Land, allowing a great number of the Undercity's people to undertake the dangerous journey to improve their lot.[1]
The area outside of the Undercity village gate was extremely dangerous because of rakghouls, semi-humanoid beasts that could infect Humans with the rakghoul disease. The Outcasts had to keep infected people isolated from the rest of the society because they would inevitably mutate into rakghouls.[1] Few ventured outside of the gate, and many of the ones who did perished.
The Promised Land
The inhabitants of the Undercity believed in the Promised Land, and many died searching for information regarding its location.[1]
Taris was a very segmented society, naming the layers of the cities where each class of citizen lived, Middle City, etc. After the Civil War, the humans on Taris banned all but a select few non-humans from the Upper City, making it exclusive only for the wealthiest citizens. Most aliens that ventured into the Upper City without a permit were arrested. The Middle City had mostly humans in it as well, but had many aliens there too.[10] Conversely, the Lower City was mostly aliens, and crime was rampant. The Undercity was avoided at all costs, and only the outcasts dwelt there.[1]
Justice was swift and harsh on Taris, and criminals were either executed, or banished to the Undercity, depending on the severity of the crime. The Lower levels, while heavily-crime stricken,[1] was occasionally patrolled by surveillance droids.[10]
The law-enforcing division of the government was known as the Taris Civil Authority, headed by a Constable. During the Mandalorian Wars, the Civil Authority had several patrol ships in orbit.[10]
One of Taris societies few reliefs was swoop racing. As the rumored birth place of the swoop bike itself, swoop racing was huge on Taris, and some of the best swoop racers came out of Taris. The Galactic Swoop Racing Circuit started on Taris with the Tarisian Season Opener. When Taris was bombarded by the Sith during the Jedi Civil War, some of the galaxy's best racers were killed, as most were present for the Season opener.[1]
Behind the scenes
In Star Wars: Empire at War, Taris is displayed with the generic ecumenopolis planet template,[6] which resembles Coruscant.[17] This conflicts with the established view of Taris, which features an ocean, while other portions of the pre-existing landmass still lay in ruins.[1]
Taris was created for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, an in-depth Star Wars based role-playing game on the Xbox and the PC. It is the player's initial starting point and is the only planet where the player cannot use Force powers of their own, since they are not Jedi yet.
Taris is also a recurring setting in the comic series based on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.[10]
The pronunciation in Knights of the Old Republic varies between characters. Some pronounce the first syllable "tar" while others pronounce it as terr (as in terra).


Солнце: Taris
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Taris относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал Джейсон Фетт - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 06:51

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:51
Сообщение #10

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Танос
Регион: Срединное Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Тальдота
Галактические координаты: P-9
Количество тел в системе: звезды - Танос, планеты - Тогория (два спутника), Танос

Планета: Тогория
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: густые леса, огромные каньоны, болота
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: тогориане, мосготы, лифоны, внедренный вид - огненные кусты
Интересные локации: Болото Испарений
Крупные предприятия: Каросс (столица)
Описание:Тогория – родной мир тогориан. Это планета с покрытыми травой равнинами, густыми лесами и округлыми холмами. Людей на планету без приглашения не пускали, и единственным оправданием была авария. Планета изначально союзничала с Конфедерацией Независимых Систем и позже объединилась с Повстанческим Альянсом.


Луна: ?
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 198 700 км
Окружность экватора, км: 1 300
Гравитация: 0,25G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -250
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: стандартных часов
Стандартный год: местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Луна: ?
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 332 800 км
Окружность экватора, км: 1 950
Гравитация: 0,27G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -250
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: стандартных часов
Стандартный год: местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Планета: Thanos
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:


Солнце: Thanos
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Thanos относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:07

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:57
Сообщение #11

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Ворпа'йя
Регион: Внешнее Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Мандалора
Галактические координаты: O-7
Количество тел в системе: планета Ворпа'йя

Планета: Ворпа'йя
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: Ворпай’я – планета в одноименной системе во Внешнем Кольце. Она находилась неподалеку от Конкорд Дона в секторе Мандалора и была известна сельским хозяйством и фермами нерфов. Лидеры планеты оставили многие земли деградировать после того, как использовали их под пастбища.


Солнце: Vorpa'ya
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Vorpa'ya относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:09

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 01:58
Сообщение #12

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Ambria
Регион: Inner Rim
Сектор: Stenness Node
Галактические координаты: O-10
Количество тел в системе: The Ambria system centered around Amber in the Stenness Node. Planets in the system included Ambria. 4 Moons: Deeb, Mev, Toprel and Vot.

Планета: Ambria
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца: 160 000 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 25 000
Гравитация: 1G
Состав атмосферы: Oxygen Mix, Type I (Breathable)
Температура поверхности, С: от 15 до 95
Климат: Hot, Arid
Ландшафт: Rocky plains, Deserts, Lakes
Стандартный день: 32 standard hours
Стандартный год: 176 local days
Численность населения: 8 billion
Основные виды: Neeks, Staga, Hssiss, Immigrated species - Humans, Tchuukthai, Vultan
Интересные локации: Lake Natth, Meditative Canyon, BioTech Industries campus
Предприятия: BioTech Industries
Экономика: Major exports - Ore, Other minerals
Крупные города: None
Описание: Эта планета стала убежищем мастера джедая Тона.
Амбрия - бесплодный малонаселенный мир, обладающий мощной Темной энергией (Dark Side energy). Когда мастер Тон прибыл сюда, он вернул Энергию Темной Стороны в ее источник – Озеро Natth, и, для того чтобы удерживать эту энергию, остался здесь до конца жизни.
Изучение планеты началось несколько тысячелетий спустя, когда развилась боитехнологическая промышленность, и было основано здесь исследовательское поселение.
Планета имеет четыре спутника.
Первоначально, Амбрия была богатым минералами миром, который мог похвалиться живущими на нём несколькими разумными расами и большим разнообразием фауны. Stenness Node составляло множество прибыльных миров горной промышленности, это было незадолго до того, как корпорации начали широко использовать природные ресурсы Амбрии. Через какое-то время Амбрия привлекла внимание экспертов по горной промышленности Галактической Республики, которые основали там базы, чтобы вести добычу ценных руд и полезных ископаемых, которыми была богата планета. Однако, хотя Амбрия имела пригодную для дыхания атмосферу и неплохие ресурсы для проживания, постоянных баз на ней строилось не много. Это было потому, что большинство разумных рас нашло ландшафт слишком неудобным, а климат непригодным для жизни, тогда как на на близлежащих планетах системы условия для жизни были намного легче.Таким образом, Амбрия никогда не колонизировалась, и, вообще говоря, оставалась необитаемой, если не брать в рассчёт аборигенов.
Положение вещей не менялось на протяжении веков, пока Амбрия не приютила Ситскую волшебницу. О ее корнях было мало известно, и даже имя ее забыла история, хотя деяния ее были записаны Орденом Джедаев и сохранены в их огромных архивах. Она использовала Темную Сторону Силы для порабощения коренных жителей, чувствительных к Силе, и использовала планетарную фауну наподобие боевых зверей (war beasts) во имя Темной Стороны.
Она начала строительство гигантского черного обелиска, наполненного Темной Стороной, что потребовало от ее рабов больше столетия, чтобы закончить его, хотя, несмотря на затраченное время, ее одержимость ни на миг не уменьшилась. В конечном счете, у нее появился шанс провести ритуал Ситов, для чего и был построен обелиск. Точная природа ритуала неизвестна, хотя ученые-джедаи сумели выработать основную версию событий. Волшебница была не настолько сильна, как предполагала, и ее самоуверенность подвела ее. Она призвала гораздо большую мощь, нежели кто-либо из ее предшественников пытался, что оказалось слишком сложным для нее, чтобы справиться. Она высвободила неконтролируемую волну мощной темной энергии на планету; это уничтожило всякую живность на планете, полностью пропитавшейся энергией Темной Стороны.
Позже, некоторое время спустя после Great Hyperspace War 5 000 ДБЯ, несколько оставшихся Лордов Ситов нашли убежище на Амбрии, где спрятались среди темной энергии планеты во избежание преследования. Они оставались на планете многие годы, пока не слились с Силой, пополнив собой список темных призраков Амбрии. Они оставались словно внутри самой планеты, препятствуя взрасти чему-либо в разоренном мире. Иногда они вселялись в тела Hssiss, населявших Озеро Natth -- они были единственными существами, пережившими предыдущее уничтожение жизни на Амбрии.
Позже Tchuuktha Джедай Мастер, известный как Тон (Thon), сделает Амбрию своим домом. О его происхождении известно мало; он был скрытен по поводу того, где приобрел столь широкое обилие знаний о Силе. После обучение других джедаев на Оссусе навыкам, неизвестным им ранее, Тон занялся поисками места более уединенного и спокойного, чем Великая Библиотека Джедаев, чтобы тренировать своих учеников. Он стал бесцельно путешествовать по Галактике, позволяя Силе вести его. Со временем Тон почувствовал присутствие темных духов в непосредственной близи его корабельных сканеров. Тон проследовал по направлению к ним, пока не прибыл на Амбрию, где сразу же подвергся атаке недоброжелательных духов Ситов. Джедай Мастер сумел противостоять им некоторое время, но скоро его запас жизненных сил оказался на исходе, и он больше не смог давать отпор темным силам. Так или иначе, Тон все еще имел план и вел духов к Озеру Natth; он проплыл к середине озера, позволяя темным духам уничтожить его. Но из последних сил этот загадочный Мастер Джедай поймал своих врагов в волну энергии Светлой Стороны, отправляя их покоиться в мрачных водах на дне Озера Natth. Зловещие духи были неистовы и часто вселялись в местных рептилий, называемых Hssiss, и атаковали любого, кто посещал планету. Хотя они не были полностью уничтожены, темные духи Амбрии наконец были изолированы от планеты.
Тон осел, изучая остальную планету, и привез туда некоторую иноземную флору; Джедай Мастер хотел возродить жизнь в опустошенном мире. В своих путешествиях он обнаружил широкий каньон, чрезвычайно сильно связанный с Силой, где стал медитировать в периоды тягот.
Тон построил небольшую тренировочную площадку для Джедаев, аскетичную в плане предметов удобства, где поселился и учил джедаев, если они забредали на Амбрию. Он обучал здесь несколько падаванов на протяжении периода свыше двенадцати лет, включая Осс Уиллума (Oss Wilum), быстрообучаемого вултанского джедая.
В 4 000 ДБЯ Андер Санрайдер (Andur Sunrider), его жена Номи (Nomi) и дочь Вима (Vima) отправляются на Амбрию с визитом к мастеру Тону. Но по прибытию в Stenness систему Андер подвергся атаке головорезов, посланных Великим Богга Хаттом (Great Bogga the Hutt), самозваным правителем Stenness системы. Богга узнал, что Санрайдер будет перевозить ценные адеганские кристаллы, данные ему его Мастером Чаммой (Chamma) в качестве подарка Тону. Хотя банде Богги удалось убить Андера, его жена Номи, также чувствительная к Силе, завладела мечем своего убитого супруга, убив одного из людей Богги. Остальные спаслись бегством, и попытки Богги заполучить кристаллы провалились. Номи продолжила путь, чтобы увидеть Тона не смотря на смерть супруга, и когда Tchuukthai Джедай Мастер осознал ее потенциал, он решил тренировать ее в познании путей Силы.
Богга все еще был преисполнен желания наложить лапы на кристаллы и послал за ними, а также для убийства Тона, пирата по имени Финхед Стоунбоун (Finhead Stonebone). Джедаю удалось отразить первое нападение пирата, но в попытке убедить Номи воспользоваться лазерным мечем, он сдал себя в руки врагов. До этого Санрайдер уже совершила убийство при помощи светового меча, поэтому не испытывала желания брать в руки столь потенциально опасное оружие. Тон позволил пиратам захватить себя, но в их ряду разгорелся спор по поводу того, кто именно преподнесет Богге кристаллы. Номи использовала эту возможность, чтобы войти в боевую медитацию, древний джедайский метод воздействия на поступки и сознание других. Пока банда Стоунбоуна занималась междоусобицей, Номи спасла Тона и совместно они прогнали пиратов.
Вскоре после того, как Санрайдер закончила свое обучение, между Орденом Джедаев/Республикой и Кратами разгорелась война, известная как Великая Война Ситов; Тон был единственным обитателем Амбрии в этот период, однако несколько джедаев - на той и другой сторонах - пролетом посещали планету. Номи и Сильвар (Sylvar), джедай катарец, прилетели на Амбрию навестить Тона, в то время как другой катарец Крадо (Crado) и бывший ученик Тона Осс Уиллум прибыли с целью убить Мастера Джедая. Находясь под воздействием на разум и ложью Темного Лорда Экзара Куна (Exar Kun), они были отправлены в бесплодный мир для уничтожения Тона. Однако Джедай Мастер и двое его гостей с легкостью отразили атаку Крадо и Уиллума, посланного после него, обратив катарца в бегство, а Уиллума избавив от влияния Сита.
В оставшийся период жизни Тона на Амбрии замечалось мало активности, и после него планета вновь стала полностью необитаемой. Несмотря на его смерть, его попытки восстановить былое богатство поверхности Амбрии не были бесплодными, хотя темные духи все еще были заключены в Озере Нат. В результате никакие попытки Тона так и не избавили Амбрию от бытия бесплодной пустошью. Позже несколько джедаев посещали планету в поисках точки равновесия, но все растущий процент преступности в системе крайне этому препятствовал.
Примерно между 2 000 и 1 000 ДБЯ на Амбрии состоялась битва между войсками Республики и Ситов. Каждая из сторон понесла огромные потери. Не считая нескольких чистильщиков, никто не приложил усилия для очистки поверхности планеты от следов бойни, из-за чего свидетельства ее истинности оставались здесь еще долго время. Через некоторое время после окончания войны целитель Калеб (Caleb) избрал Амбрию своим домом, твердо нацеленный излечить планету от ран войны.
Примерно в 1 000 ДБЯ Лорд Ситов Дарт Бэйн посетил Амбрию. Он полагал, что летит туда встретиться с Гитани (Gythany), членом Братства Ситов, для его воссоединения с Орденом, хотя на самом деле та была послана для его убийства. Когда Сит ступил на поверхность, он мгновенно уловил дыхание Темной Стороны, идущее от Озера Нат, и разбил там лагерь. Гитани отравила Бэйна, вынудив Лорда Ситов отправиться на поиски излечения в опустошенный мир Амбрии. Он наткнулся на чистильщика и двух его детей. Зарезав одного из детей своим световым мечем, он использовал горечь и боль отца, чтобы временно приостановить действие яда. В конце концов Бэйн наткнулся на целителя Калеба и запугал того убить его дочь, если он откажется исцелить Лорда Ситов. Наконец полностью излеченный Бэйн благополучно покинул Амбрию, и планета вновь оказалась по большей части безжизненной, кроме некоторых чистильщиков, пытающихся отыскать что-либо ценное среди останков баталии, разыгравшейся здесь прежде.
После обнаружения Республикой натуральных ресурсов на Амбрии группы добытчиков заселили некоторые ее районы, хотя ни о каких крупных поселения все еще не было и речи. После Битвы при Амбрии многие чистильщики поселились здесь в надежде найти заработок, разыскивая что-либо ценное среди останков битвы. В период посещения Амбрии Дарт Бэйном многие семьи построили здесь свои дома, включая Калеба и его дочь. В более поздние эры, не смотря на множество джедаев, ищущих свой убежище по время Великой Чистки, по большей части она оставалась такой же безжизненной и необитаемой.
После катаклизма, вызванного Ситской волшебницей, большинство коренной фауны Амбрии погибло, за исключением нескольких видов рептилий. Свирепые хищники, населявшие Озеро Нат, Hssiss, зачастую находились под воздействием темных духов, заключенных в Озере, и были призваны помогать последователям Темной Стороны. Изредка Богга Хатт вывозил их с планеты, используя в качестве охранных животных. Другим выжившим животным видом являлись neeks, объединяющиеся в группы для достижения безопасности от хищников наподобие Hssiss. Мастер Тон привез на Амбрию третий вид известный как стага (staga). Стаги были крупными рогатыми рептилиями, живущими в стадах снаружи жилища Тона.
Расположенный в Тирнваельских Горах (Tiernvael Mountains) Каньон Медитации является местом, имеющим сильную связь с Силой. Эта зона более суха и безжизненна, чем остальная часть планеты по причине бушующих здесь безжалостных ветряных бурь. Каньон оставался неисследованным на протяжении тысячелетий - даже Ситская волшебница не бывала здесь. Мастер Тон наткнулся на него в поисках укрытия во время ужасной бури, пока путешествовал по планете, и обнаружил, что одна из его стен содержит сильное присутствие Силы, это дало Мастеру покой и умиротворение, позволило отрешиться от природного бедствия, стихии, бушующей на земле. Древний джедай покинул Каньон, когда буря стихла, но запомнил его местонахождение и часто возвращался, чтобы медитировать.
Каньон крайне широк, насчитывая свыше километра в глубину, один километр в длину и полкилометра в ширину. Внутренние стены каньона испещрены маленькими пещерами и глубоким устьем реки на дне каньона, что создавало неповторимую его форму. Вдоль его стен и внутри пещер превеликое множество сталагмитов, некоторые из которых покрыты прозрачными кристаллами. Хотя кристаллы не имеют связи с Силой, Тон и его ученики использовали их для фокусировки сознания во время медитации. Каньон имеет несколько уровней, каждый отмеченный разным слоем: где-то рифы и выступы, а где-то массивные пещеры и туннели. За все время истории Амбрии никто не пытался тщательно исследовать эти скальные образования.
Не смотря на свою связь с Силой, каньон по большей части оставался изолирован от живых существ за всю свою историю. Во время пребывания на Амбрии Тона единственными существами, кто когда-либо исследовал его, были стаги и neeks, не считая Джедай Мастера и его учеников. После этого периода многие джедаи использовали каньон, чтобы отрешиться от бытия, а во время Великой Чистки он служил им в качестве отличного убежища - Император Палпатин не знал о его существовании.
BioTech Industries являлась основной корпорацией киборг-технологий и медицины и принадлежала совместно Неуро-Сааву (Neuro-Saav) и TaggeCo. Они были позади Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals и Athacam Medtech в общем числе продаж. В попытке украсть "Глаза человека" (Human eyes) на филиал компании на Амбрии был совершен Имперский рейд, под руководством Марла Семтина (Marl Semtin).
Ситский обелиск на Амбрии имел километры в высоту и крупный шпиль, словно вонзающийся в небеса. Построенный при использовании множества натуральных ресурсов планеты, Обелиск имел темно-серый оттенок черного. Он был построен рабами Ситской волшебницы и потребовал свыше стандартного столетия для завершения постройки. Обелиск был воздвигнут в одном из диких северных регионов, рядом с Великим Каньоном, обнаруженным Тоном. Когда провал ритуала Ситской волшебницы опустошил планету, Обелиск вместе с Волшебницей и ее рабами были уничтожены.


Луна: Deeb
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 280 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 3 500
Гравитация: 0,3G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -200
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: 20 стандартных часов
Стандартный год: 25 местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Луна: Mev
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 375 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 2 600
Гравитация: 0,4G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +140 до -210
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: 27 стандартных часов
Стандартный год: 28 местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Луна: Toprel
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 489 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 2 900
Гравитация: 0,3G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +130 до -210
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: 18 стандартных часов
Стандартный год: 50 местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Луна: Voth
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты: 554 000 км
Окружность экватора, км: 2 700
Гравитация: 0,3G
Состав атмосферы: без атмосферы
Температура поверхности, С: от +150 до -250
Ландшафт: кратеры, скалы, пещеры
Стандартный день: 20 стандартных часов
Стандартный год: 45 местных дней
Описание: Безжизненная луна.

Солнце: Amber
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс: G2V
Светимость (в солнечных): 1,5
Диаметр (в солнечных): 1,3
Описание: Солнце системы Ambria относится к классу желтых карликов.

Сообщение отредактировал Джейсон Фетт - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 06:54

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 02:00
Сообщение #13

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Onderon
Регион: Inner Rim
Сектор: Japrael sector
Галактические координаты:
Количество тел в системе: The Onderon system, also called the Japrael system, was home to the planet Onderon and two other planets. It centered around the star Prael. Moons - Dxun, Dagri, Evas, Suthre.

Планета: Onderon
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Гравитация: Standard
Состав атмосферы: Oxygen mix
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: Tempetate
Стандартный день: 28 standard hours
Стандартный год: 405 local days
Численность населения: 4 million
Основные виды: Human (99%), Immigrated species - Terentatek, Devaronian, Twi'lek, Sullustan, Bith, Quarren, Nikto, Aqualish
Интересные локации: Onderon's wilderness - Fortress Kira
Предприятия: Major imports - High technology, Weapons
Крупные города: Iziz (capital)
Описание: One of three planets in the Onderon system, Onderon had a temperate climate, and was once home to a primitive race of Humanoids.
Onderon had four moons. Dxun, the primary moon, once orbited very close to the planet, allowing some animals to fly between the planet and the moon. The other three moons were Dagri, Evas and Suthre.
The native Humans of Onderon struggled against the beasts, eventually gathering new technologies and building a huge walled city, Iziz, to protect themselves. Like the people of many other fringe worlds, the Onderonians had a distrust of non-Humans.
Early history
A colony ship brought the first humans to Onderon sometime between 5,200 and 4,600 BBY. Owing to the brutal fauna of the world, the earliest encampments were hastily expanded into what would become the only city on the planet, Iziz.
The Beast Wars and the Naddist Uprising
In 4,400 BBY, Freedon Nadd conquered the planet and established a dark side theocracy. These cultists were known as Naddists. Naddist tyrants included Warb Null and King Ommin. The Naddists sent Iziz's criminal element (opponents of the Naddists) out into the wilderness without any protection from the animals. These outcasts soon learned to defend themselves, and eventually formed a second civilization, the Beast Riders. Relations between the two groups were hostile, and they remained at war with each other for many years. The Beast Wars lasted from 4,350 BBY to 4,000 BBY, with the final battles serving as the opening salvos of the Great Sith War.
Ommin was crowned King in the year 4,018 BBY, taking Amanoa as Queen. Novar was appointed Minister of State in 4,013 BBY. In 4,002 BBY, Onderon joined the Galactic Republic. The Republic asked the Jedi to watch over the world. Jedi Master Arca Jeth was selected as Watchman, and assigned his Padawans Ulic Qel-Droma, Cay Qel-Droma, and Tott Doneeta to the planet in a test-capacity. The Beast Wars finally ended with the death of Naddist Queen Amanoa. Amanoa's daughter Galia married Oron Kira, the leader of the outcasts, known as the "Beastprince."
In 3,998 BBY, two years after the First Battle of Onderon, the Naddist Uprising occurred. The Naddists tried to overthrow Galia, but were foiled by the Jedi and the Republic. Ommin and Sith disciple Warb Null were slain, but so was Jedi Kith Kark.
In more ancient times, the sociopolitical situation between the Onderonian beast-riders and the people of Iziz was far different from the present day. Formerly untamed and coarse, many of the wilderness Beast Lords prospered during the several decades since the end of the Great Sith War, thanks to off-world trade going back two generations (marked in the game by Oron Kira's marriage to the Iziz royal house, thus uniting the bloodlines).
The Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War
The Mandalorians attempted to invade Onderon during the Krath Holy Crusade in 3,996 BBY, but they failed, and settled on the planet's moon, Dxun. During the Great Hunt, the Jedi cleansed the world of terentateks.
Onderon was the site of two battles during the Mandalorian Wars. Onderon, very interestingly, went almost entirely unaffected by the Jedi Civil War. It was almost as if Revan did not want to attack it. Further, it long remained the only world in the Republic still capable of seeding ecosystems into other dead worlds—Onderon's wildlife being some of the most aggressive in the known galaxy, particularly its winged drexl creatures flown by the Beast Lords there. Merely placing such creatures on target worlds guaranteed their habitation for years to come.
The Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War threatened the peace of Onderon, so a new Onderonian hero emerged, bringing the victories against the Mandalorians and the Sith – General Vaklu, the leader of the Onderon army.
The population began to sympathize with Vaklu and his ideology, and it caused an important admiration and support for the general. The military sector was also close to Vaklu's ideas. One of the high ranking officers, Colonel Tobin, was the general's right hand and a great ally.
The Onderon Civil War
During the years following the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, a good number of the beast-riders became "socialized," influenced by the ways of the city... yet others simply fell to common thuggery, living within the walls, yet unwilling to abide by the laws of civilization.
When Vaklu had enough power, he expressed his disagreement with the alliance that Queen Talia Kira—who was his cousin—made with the Galactic Republic. He defended that these ties would drag Onderon to war, and also put forward the sale of their natural resources to the worlds devastated for the war. Talia believed in equality, and a peaceful resolution to the problem – whereas, Vaklu preferred using the military to resolve matters.
Then, the separatists peacefully blockaded his own planet to avoid any contact with the Republic. However, they attacked the freighter Ebon Hawk, which was trapped in the blockade, testifying that the "capital-class Republic vessel" had attacked Onderon first. He labeled the Queen as ineffective against the Republic declaration of war, so the society and the military sector started a rebellion.
General Vaklu allied himself with Darth Nihilus and his Sith forces. The deal laid to in giving military assistance to the Onderon separatists to overthrow Queen Talia, while Vaklu let the Sith visit Freedon Nadd's tomb on Dxun.
Eventually, Vaklu's dark side ally gave the order for him to start a revolution, aiming to seize power from Queen Talia, and thus began the Onderon Civil War. When the war was drawing to a close, it looked like Vaklu might overthrow the Queen. However, the Jedi Exile arrived, and the tide began to turn back in favor of Queen Talia and her supporters. The Exile commanded royalist supporters and overran the many Sith and Vaklu-loyal units holding Iziz and the palace. The Exile, demonstrating her great command of the Force, broke through the rear of the Sith ranks by defeating Sith forces on the Sky Ramp to the palace. Upon reaching the palace, the royalist supporters and Vaklu-loyal forces engaged each other within the throne room.
By using battle meditation, the Jedi Exile swayed the battle in favor of Talia's forces, and all that was left was Vaklu, surrounded by Talia and many of her followers. Talia ordered an immediate execution for Vaklu, but the Exile said that would only make Vaklu a martyr, and that the Queen should use this time to rebuild her planet, and win back the affections of her people. Talia allowed her cousin to stand trial fairly, and thus began the rebuilding of Onderon.
Onderon Military
The Onderon Military consisted of both the Onderon Navy and Ground Forces (see Onderon Soldier). The palace of Iziz was guarded by Paladins.
Later history
In 1,000 BBY, Darth Bane rode to Onderon from Dxun upon a skreev to rendezvous with Darth Zannah after the Seventh Battle of Ruusan.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance destroyed an Imperial military ordnance center on Onderon 2 ABY.
During the reborn Emperor Palpatine's insurrection, Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo hid their three young children on Onderon. The planet was also where the Emperor met his final death, at the cost of the lives of Rayf Ysanna and Empatojayos Brand.
Behind the scenes
The galaxy map from Star Wars Insider #65 incorrectly contains two Onderons. One is located in the correct spot in the Inner Rim, while the other was mistakenly placed in the Colonies. Leland Chee has confirmed that the Inner Rim location is correct.[3]
This location places Onderon near Ambria, and Star Wars Gamer 1 even claims that Onderon, like Ambria, is in the Stenness Node. This placement seems to defy the original Tales of the Jedi comics, which stated Onderon was on "the other side of the galaxy" from the Stenness Node.


Луна: Dxun
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: Jungles
Стандартный день: 26 standard hours
Стандартный год: 298 local days
Численность населения:
Основные виды: Boma, Cannok, Drexl, Flipdarter, Maalraas, Orbalisk, Skreev, Zakkeg
Описание: Dxun (pronounced /'dʌksɪn/), also known as the Demon Moon, was the largest of four moons that orbited the Outer Rim world of Onderon. Like its parent planet, it was covered almost entirely by dense jungles that were populated by many species of fierce, predatory animals.
Despite being temperate and habitable, the jungles of Dxun posed major challenges for everyone struggling to survive there. Due to its constant rains and wet climate, mechanical devices did not last long and required continuous maintenance. Moreover, the jungles were inhabited by many dangerous predators such as bomas, cannoks, drexls, maalraas, skreevs, and zakkegs, forcing the moon's inhabitants to be armed at all times.
Though considered a moon of Onderon, Dxun and Onderon were almost sister planets. They were so close to one another that it was only a short shuttle ride between them, and they even shared a bit of the same atmosphere. Every year, during Dxun's summer season, the atmospheres of Onderon and Dxun would connect. This allowed the vicious Drexls to wander and settle on Onderon, thus laying the foundations for the Beast Wars.
Early history
At the end of the Beast Wars, Jedi Master Arca Jeth decided to relocate the sarcophagus of Freedon Nadd, the former Dark Lord of the Sith and king of Onderon, from Onderon to Dxun, in an attempt to prevent future Sith from drawing on its power. The plan worked for the most part, though two of history's most pivotal Sith Lords, Exar Kun and Darth Bane, would later manage to enter the tomb of Freedon Nadd on Dxun.
At the end of the Great Sith War in 3,996 BBY, Mandalore the Indomitable, leader of the Mandalorians, was eaten alive by the vicious beasts of Dxun.
Mandalorian Wars
After assuming the leadership of the Mandalorians, Mandalore the Ultimate made Dxun his stronghold, from which he planned his attack on the Galactic Republic.
In 3,963 BBY, the Mandalorian Wars expanded into a galaxy-wide conflict when the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders began their invasion of the Republic. From their headquarters on Dxun, Mandalore's forces attacked and took nearby Onderon in mere hours. A battle with the Republic forces took place on the moon, but it was little more that a rear-guard holding action by the Republic.
Years later, after the Jedi Revan and Malak had entered the war and pushed the Mandalorian forces back to their original Dxun staging-grounds, a far more bloody battle was fought. The Republic attempted to capture the Mandalorian headquarters on Dxun. Republic forces managed to defeat the Mandalorians, but the victory came at a heavy cost. The Mandalorian outposts were entrenched and well defended by hidden mines, traps, anti-air turrets, and the ferocious inhabitants of the jungle itself. During the bloody battle, the Republic lost ten soldiers for every Mandalorian killed. The Jedi Exile, who was in command of the battle, was forced to sacrifice dozens of her soldiers, sending them on a suicidal charge to disable the minefield that was the last obstacle keeping them away from the Mandalorian fortress.
After the battle, the Republic military did not bother to demolish many structures that the Mandalorians had built; nor did they uncover the many hidden weapons caches providently left in case the Mandalorians were someday to return.
Onderon Civil War
In 3,956 BBY, Canderous Ordo took the title of Mandalore and gathered a handful of Mandalorians, most of whom were mercenaries at the time, on the Dxun moon, in the rebuilt headquarters of the old Mandalore. There they regrouped, concealing their presence from both the Republic and the native Onderonians, silencing all scouts who came anywhere near their encampment. Canderous hoped that, one day, the Mandalorians of Dxun would regain their former glory.
The Jedi Exile landed in the jungles of Dxun when her ship, the Ebon Hawk, was severely damaged in a space battle over Onderon where Republic forces commanded by Colonel Tobin attacked them unprovoked, almost definitely under General Vaklu's orders. While exploring the jungle, the Exile was attacked by three of the Zhug brothers, who were also stranded by the space battle and looking to collect on her bounty. Later, the Exile was discovered by a group of Mandalorians, who brought her to the new Mandalore. She needed to get to Onderon to search for Jedi Master Kavar, but Canderous told her that she would need to prove herself first. The Exile performed several tasks for the Mandalorians and proved herself honorable, and Canderous made good on his word, providing a shuttle and accompanying her to the city of Iziz.
When the Onderon Civil War erupted, the Mandalorians fought alongside the Jedi Exile, despite, or perhaps because of her involvement in their defeat at Malachor V. Canderous provided the Exile with a repaired Basilisk war droid (several of its minor systems were malfunctioning) so that she could get into Iziz. Meanwhile, the Mandalorians and a party of the Exile's companions headed into the jungle to fight General Vaklu's Sith allies, who landed on Dxun via a craft of a Republic military droid carrier's design. They found the Sith inside and outside the Tomb of Freedon Nadd, where they were conducting a ritual to keep Onderon beasts under the control of Sith beastmasters.
The party started at a tunnel where they had to get through a minefield and disable a motion sensing alarm for alerting the Sith of a hostile presence. After, doing that, they disabled a power generator that controlled the droid sentry force of the Tomb and continued to neutralize three Sith troopers and a Sith Officer who were guarding a terminal, what looked like a storage shed and the Sith's transport near the Tomb entrance. They then initiated a program via the terminal to order the mechanical sentry force (droids and turrets) to attack all hostiles and friendlies in the area, reducing the amount of the Sith the Exile's party's needed to take care of. The party continued to charge the Tomb entrance, which was heavily guarded by Dark Jedi Apprentices, Sith troopers and Sith Commandos—all of which were taken out and allowed the Exile's party to proceed into the Tomb itself. After battling Sith Commandos, Sith troopers, Sith Officers, Sith Lords, Sith War Droid, Boma beasts, and Dark Jedi Apprentices to clear the tomb of all enemies, the party opened a locked door via an ancient terminal and met two Dark Jedi Masters and a Sith Master performing a ritual, which would put the Bomas under control of the Sith force attacking Onderon. They managed to accomplish their task before the Exile's party reached them. Following the confrontation, the Sith Master attempted to corrupt the party's leader to the dark side of the Force but was unsuccessful. The three Sith then went on the offensive; however, they were bested, resulting in their death. The party leader then removed Freedon Nadd's lightsaber from his sarcophagus and met up with Xarga who brought the Exile's party back to the Ebon Hawk and told them of the Exile's successful mission to bring peace to Onderon.
New Sith Wars
Millennia later, in 1,000 BBY, the Sith Lord Darth Bane, fleeing the Seventh Battle of Ruusan, crash-landed on Dxun. He immediately recognized it as a world infused with the dark side. It was here, in Freedon Nadd's tomb, that Bane acquired orbalisk armor and formally decided to begin building a new Sith Order.

Луна: Dagri
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Описание: Дагри — типичная луна, не имюещая атмосферы, но на ней все еще возможны постройки горнодобывающих заводов или индустриальных комплексов. Гравитация близка с отсутствию, вызывая увеличение расходов индустриальных предприятий за счет использования гравитационных генераторов. Заводы могут добывать такие минералы, как квантум, мелиниум, рудик, лабой и другие. Зоны их повышенных скоплений неизвестны, но может быть исследовано, если этому уделить достаточно средств и времени.
По всей своей поверхности луна усыпана кратерами, помимо них и пыли на этой скучной луне почти не на что смотреть.

Луна: Evas
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Описание: Эвас — стандартная луна без атмосферы с возможностью постройки на ней индустриальных предприятий и комплексов. Гравитация слегка тяжелее, чем на Дагри, но все равно создает экономически невыгодную почву для фактического строительства здесь предприятий. Заводы могут добывать здесь такие минералы, как рилл, дюракрит, рокивори, ломмит и другие. Зоны их повышенных скоплений неизвестны, но может быть исследовано, если этому уделить достаточно средств и времени.
Эвас — горная луна с несколькими кратерами, отсутствием почвы и малым количеством пыли на поверхности, представленной в основном скалами и горными образованиями.

Луна: Suthre
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Описание: Сутр — стандартная луна, во многом схожая с Дагри, без атмосферы с возможностью постройки на ней индустриальных предприятий и комплексов, на поверхности расположено большое количество кратеров. Заводы могут добывать здесь такие минералы, как нова, адеган, вармиджио, берубиан и прочие. Зоны их повышенных скоплений неизвестны, но может быть исследовано, если этому уделить достаточно средств и времени.
По всей своей поверхности луна усыпана кратерами, помимо них и пыли на этой скучной луне почти не на что смотреть.

Планета: ?
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:


Планета: ?
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:


Солнце: Onderon
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Солнце системы Onderon относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал Джейсон Фетт - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 06:56

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 02:02
Сообщение #14

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Cularin
Регион: Mid Rim or Expansion Region
Галактические координаты:
Количество тел в системе: Suns - Morasil and Termadus, Планеты: 1) Acilaris, 2) Cularin, (Луны: Rennokk, Tilnes), 3) Genarius (Луны: Ulbasca, Eskaron, Uffel, Ostfrei), 4) Almas (Планетоид: Dorumaa (formerly a planet with its own orbit), 5) Morjakar, Cularin Belt (formerly Oblis), Cularin comet cloud
The Cularin system was on the Mid Rim-Expansion Region border[3] and was located just off the Corellian Trade Spine, in between Kalarba and Aridus.[2] It was a seven-planet binary star system that contained the planets of Cularin and Almas.[1] It became a five-planet system when the planet Oblis was destroyed by the power of the Darkstaff. This destruction also knocked Dorumaa from its orbit to eventually become a moon of Almas.

Планета: Acilaris
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: Barren wastes
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды:
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: The innermost world of the Cularin system, Acilaris was barely large enough to be considered a planetoid. Nevertheless, it had enough gravity to hold an atmosphere,[1] albeit one which was laden with sulfur, carbon, and boron.
The surface of Acilaris was too hot even for a ship to land, and was believed to be rich in natural minerals and crystals. However, the temperature prohibited mining activities. In 31 BBY, there were rumors of the droids of Uffel accepting contracts to design mining machinery able to withstand the local conditions.[


Планета: Cularin
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: Tropical
Ландшафт: Rain forest, Jungle, Mountainous jungle
Стандартный день: 22 standard hours
Стандартный год: 300 standard days
Численность населения:
Основные виды: Tarasin, Dua-wurm, Kilassin, Mulissiki, Swamp womp rat (possibly imported), Jo tree, Immigrated species - Humans, others
Интересные локации: Cloud Mountain, Hiironi irstat, Ishkik caverns, Kiallquis range, Sacred ch'hala tree grove
Предприятия: Bollin, Gadrin, Hedrett, Lissken, Mikish, Soboll, Tindark
Крупные города:
Описание: Cularin was a planet in the Cularin system. It had two moons, the molten Rennokk and the barren Tilnes. The planet was known for its exotic hardwoods, especially the ch'hala tree. The whole planet was considered strong in the Force.
Cularin, initially inhabited by Force-strong Tarasin species, was first charted by the Jedi Order during the New Sith Wars: They tracked Sith Darth Rivan to neighbor planet Almas, in the Cularin system, and expelled him from the system. The planet Cularin was not settled or scouted.[1]
The planet was forgotten after 1,250 BBY until rediscovered by Reidi Artom 232 BBY. From 161 BBY to 154 BBY, the planet suffered the Tarasin Revolt against the Trade Federation, resolved by the Jedi with the Cularin Compact. The Trade Federation eventually exploited loopholes in the Compact and gained effective control of the system, with the only other major power being the systemwide criminal Organization (Riboga the Hutt, leader of the Organization, had one of his offices there).[1]
The Federation lost control of the system in 32 BBY due to the Metatheran Cartel. The Cularin system also joined the Republic, and Lavina Durada-Vashne Wren was elected to represent the Cularin system in the Galactic Senate.[1]
Immediately after that, Senator Wren asked the Republic for continued military presence in the system, to deter pirate attacks. The Republic sent a fleet of the Thaereian military under infamous Colonel Jir Tramsig, who first built a base in the moon of Dorumaa, orbiting neighbor planet Almas, to analyze the situation and make the first attacks. Tramsig then built a second, bigger military base on Cularin, with its own private military spaceport for his four capital warships and eighteen patrol craft. Although Tramsig could not stop the pirates beyond their more bold attacks, or serve as an effective system police, he did manage to disturb local business with the increasing traffic — earning the contempt of the population.[1]
Shortly after the Battle of Naboo, the Cularin system literally disappeared from the galaxy for a decade, before reappearing just as suddenly as it went away. Many believe the phenomenon had something to do with the Darkstaff. The neighboring system of Thaere was tasked with protecting Cularin, but during the Clone Wars, Thaere's connection to the Confederacy was exposed. Lavina Wren opposed the increasing executive powers given to Palpatine. As a result, she was branded a traitor. Cularin was placed under martial law and occupied by clone troopers; as a response, the Cularin system withdrew from the Galactic Republic and
established itself as a sovereign system.
Behind the scenes
In the Living Force Campaign Guide, Cularin is described as being located in the Expansion Region near the Corellian Trade Spine. Maps of the galaxy, however, have placed it in the Mid Rim, just on the other side of the "border" between the two regions, near the Corellian Run.
The name originally submitted to LFL for Cularin was "Cristos." The name was rejected on initial review for having religious overtones, and was subsequently changed by Robert Wiese.


Луна: Rennokk
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Описание: Rennokk was a moon of Cularin. It was a molten planetoid, its glow visible on Cularin. Reidi Artom's survey of the moon indicated there were minerals of interest in the lava of the planet, but nobody had attempted to reach those minerals by 31 BBY.[1]
Rocky outcroppings rising out of the magma made it possible to land on the planet. Reidi Artom landed on the tallest one and dubbed it Artom's Crest. A rumored metallic city in a cave was also said to exist on Rennokk.[1]
There were reported to be life forms on Rennokk. Artom visited the planet a second time with a pressure suit and found something apparently alive that chased her; she escaped and swore not to come back without firepower. A century after Reidi Artom's survey, an expedition to the moon was attacked by a worm-like lava creature. Only one member of the expedition survived, though accounts varied on whether this survivor was a Trandoshan named Tusskrek or a Tarasin named Kum'Jushkin.

Луна: Tilnes
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: Barren rock
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: Yri worms, Immigrated species - Humans
Интересные локации:
Крупные города:
Описание: Tilnes was a moon of Cularin with underground crystal mines. Though it had an atmosphere, Tilnes was barely capable of sustaining life due to the fact that for two months a year, its orbit around Cularin took it too close to Morasil, one of the Cularin system's suns. Only hardy grass and yri worms were native to the moon.[1]
The moon's rich crystal resources were not known until a meteor impact uncovered a deposit. The crystals were good for power foci for T-32S light blasters, while others were suitable for the building of lightsabers. Initial attempts at settlement of Tilnes ran into troubles during the passage close to Morasil. Eventually, underground settlements were created to hide from the high radiation. The Verga Mer Mining Company (VMMC) established the first of these around 62 BBY, the success of which granted them a charter, and they remained the largest mining firm on Tilnes. Miners from that and other companies met in The Underground, a cantina which was considered "politically neutral ground".[1]
The nature of the moon's crystal deposits, radiation exposure, and seismic activity combined to send out pulses that interfered with the operation of droids (All the originally sent droids had left, except for advisor S-4QD). The mining of Tilnes became a task completed by a "purely organic workforce," which became a positive selling point in drawing workers to the mines. The possitive results of this measure during the first two years encouraged Verga Mer to set higher goals, which would never be reached. Nevertheless, the operation had no difficulty finding investors from Cularin and from other systems, and Verga Mer became an important economic power in the surrounding systems.[1]
A large crevasse known as Kaernor's Smile was one of the most distinctive features of Tilnes. The disturbing dreams and power failures associated with the canyon kept all mining operations from coming close to it.

Планета: Genarius
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: Gas giant
Ландшафт: Gas giant
Стандартный день: 30 standard hours
Стандартный год: 1,424 standard days
Численность населения: 5,000,000
Основные виды: Immigrated species - None (pre -war; Humans, many other species)
Интересные локации:
Крупные города: Conkesta, Depatar, Edic Bar, Friz Harammel, Ipsus, Nub Saar, Oluna Biqua, Rorkee, Tolea Biqua, Varna Biqua
Описание: Genarius was a gas giant in the Cularin system. Much like Bespin, it had floating cities, including a manufacturing city built by SoroSuub Corporation 32 BBY.[1] The floating cities of Genarius were viewed as relatively lawless by the standards of the rest of the Cularin system.
The mixture of gases in Genarius was unusually rare for the Galaxy, with many existing in stable form due to mixing with others and the presence of radiation from the planet's core. Argon mixed with heavy beskium, and three distinct carbon isotopes in gaseous form, creating a blend of blue and orange in the atmosphere. In addition, over 150 elements existed in the atmosphere in trace amounts (less than 50 parts per million).[1] Tibanna and irolunn gas could also be found on Genarius.
Genarius gave off its own glow, along with heat and energy. Its core was a producer of low-energy fusion, with temperatures as hot as protostars though not great enough to turn the planet into a star. Storms of extremely forceful winds and deadly radiation would sweep up from below and could devastate unprotected cities.[1]
Unlike most gas giants, Genarius had native animal life: the jellyfish-like cochlera. This species was hardy and able to adapt to a wide range of conditions on Genarius. However, no specimen was able to survive for more than one standard day if taken away from Genarius' unique mix of atmospheric gases.
After Reidi Artom discovered the Cularin system in 232 BBY, it did not take long for entrepreneurs to come to the system. The earliest efforts at settlement focused on the four moons of Genarius. Once the stability of the planet's atmosphere was determined, the attempt to build a city in the atmosphere began.[1]
Nub Saar was the first city built. It was constructed hastily and was not prepared for the intense radiation storms. It had almost been abandoned by the time it was hit by a storm so hard, most of the cities' structures fell and the residents that remained were disintegrated. Though it was a setback in settling the planet, the lessons learned from Nub Saar were applied to future cities. Radiation shields were a priority, and the buildings were made strong enough to resist the intense winds.[1]
There were other cities constructed that failed, but Friz Harammel, built by Daedalus Gas Mines Corporation, was the first city to succeed. It was expected to be a disaster in the making, but the lessons of Nub Saar had been properly applied, and after a year of mining operations, the city's overseer was able to announce staggering profits. Her speech not only renounced the city's critics, but it was worded to incite more interest in Genarius from other businesses: More trade meant more profit. External investors would came during centuries, among them being Qar Jalunn.[1]
By 188 BBY, there were multiple cities floating in the orange and blue-hued clouds of Genarius. It was these cities that Dark Jedi Kibh Jeen attacked to begin the Dark Jedi Conflict. Thousands died. The Conflict moved on from Genarius, and Jeen's forces were eventually defeated in 181 BBY.[1]
After Riboga the Hutt came to the Cularin system in 110 BBY, he had the city of Tolea Biqua built at his command, which became his part-time home. He did not want to give the independent cities of Genarius the opportunity to gang up against him, so he organized them first. He presented to the city leaders that together, they presented a united front and could make more money than independently.[1]
Riboga created a Central Council with two members each from the major cities of Genarius, those cities accounting for only half of the planet's population but 90% of its wealth. The other cities paid the Council tribute for protection. Riboga led the Council himself initially, but once he was satisfied with the Council's attributations and status quo, he allowed them to elect their own leader. New representatives were chosen every two years. While each city still operated pretty independently, trade decisions had to pass through the Council.[1]
After Riboga left the system, Nirama did not concern himself with the Council, so they began to be the body that Riboga had initially described. They still accepted tribute from the smaller cities without granting them seats, and only paid attention to their own concerns.[1] When Ipsus and Edic Bar were created, the wealth and prestige Naescorcom and SoroSuub brought gained these cities each two seats on the Central Council almost immediately.
Each city on Genarius focused on a different industry. Edic Bar produced starfighters, Friz Harammel did gas mining and radiocarbon harvesting, Ipsus manufactured diverse supplies, and Tolea Biqua and Varna Biqua provided vice without restrictions.[1] Rorkee, originally intended as a study center, based its economy in the tourism it could gather using a faitful reproduction of an archaelogical site from the moon of Dorumaa after the Dorumaa Investment Group restricted access to the original one.[5] Depatar, officially a "neutral ground" for whatever parts looking for such a place, was a recognized black market, probably the biggest in the Cularin system; and it also generated a handsome income through its internal bureaucracy. The Genariusan cities as a whole were the biggest centers of business, manufacturation and distribution in the Cularin system as of 31 BBY.[3]
In 31 BBY, a fallen Jedi called Karae Nalvas secretly built an armored flying city, similar to the others in Genarius, but he also endowed it with firepower enough to destroy almost any of the Genariusan cities. Nalvas's enemy Alec, a Jedi Knight, theorized that Nalvas wanted to take over or destroy the cities, collapsing the economy of the system and breaking out a war. Alec stole the blueprints of such a weapon of mass destruction and hid in Depatar, but Nalvas managed to recover the documents.[3]
Nalvas hid his city, the Conkesta, near the planetary core to avoid detection. Alec detected it anyway and recruited several people, including Dr. Shilaea Motacc and several adventurers, all of whom had worked for Nalvas unaware of the dark Jedi's real plans. Alec asked some of his allies to raid the Conkesta and upload a virus to end with its threat, while he was busy tracking Nalvas. The virus sent the Conkesta to the core of Genarius, where it was destroyed,[2] apparently with a great burst of dark side energy that Nalvas could not hope to control.[6] Nalvas left the Cularin system, but Genarius was safe and the Conkesta was never really used against any of its cities.[2]
After the Clone Wars a terrible war broke out between the government of Genarius and the group known as the Coalition. When the Coalition's main warship collided with the city of Tolea Biqua, the planet was rendered nearly uninhabitable due to the instability of the atmosphere.
Behind the scenes
When the Living Force Campaign Guide discussed Riboga setting up the Central Council, the "result" was said to be a council with representatives from Ipsus, Edic Bar, Tolea Biqua, Varna Biqua, and Friz Harammel. However, Ipsus and Edic Bar were not founded until after Riboga left the Cularin system, so the five cities listed would be seen as the ultimate result as of 31 BBY. What is unknown is if the original Council represented only three cities, or if Ipsus and Edic Bar forced out two of Genarius' lesser cities from representation.


Луна: Eskaron
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Изображение: Eskaron was a moon of Genarius.[1]
Originally a habitable moon, Eskaron was perforated by long networks of tunnels created by space worms, which fed on type of metal within the planet. The worms exposed Eskaron's molten core, which expanded, destroyed the local atmosphere and killed several of the worms. Once all of that metal was consumed, the space worms moved on, leaving behind only the tunnels and some remains.[1]
The tunnels varied in size, from only a few meters up to several kilometers wide. Most tunnels were large enough for starships to fly through, so organized races were set up by Riboga the Hutt since 72 BBY, an activity which continued after Nirama took over Riboga's organization in 53 BBY. Nirama took a cut of the revenues, and also bet himself on the results of the race. The races were active in 32 BBY. The governor of Forard city, Klis Joo, was building a racer for the Eskaron races as a hobby at that time.[1]
The tunnels were also used to test piloting skills, and the Blood Velkers gang held rites of initiation there.[1]
In 32 BBY, there was a track that youth gang Blood Raptors used while Nirama's races were being performed in other part of Eskaron. The Raptor track first went through The Spiral and, after a sharp turn, through the area known as Skinning the Mynock, formed as two figure eights. It then crossed the track of Nirama's race and continued through the Cavern of Teeth and twelve zig-zag turns, before leaving the moon. The first racers could then choose between going to the asteroid belt and back, or visiting the city of Nub Saar before going back to the start point; any other racers were supposed to follow the chosen path.[2]
At that point, during a race at that track between Raptor Gael Kinner's G-59 Cannibalizer and Rodian intimidated entrepreneur Teeloo's YT-1210 Neeva-Beelo, one of Nirama's racers was destroyed, killing pilot Arraxx. Immediately, Nirama asked for revenge of the responsible people, who were tracked after they finished the race

Луна: Ostfrei
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы: Carbon monoxide, methane
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: Cold
Ландшафт: Rocky wastelands
Стандартный день: 27 standard hours
Стандартный год: 1,424 standard days
Описание: Ostfrei was a moon of Genarius. The moon was very dark, with its unique orbit keeping it in the shadow of Genarius most of the time. Its thick atmosphere prevented most of the light that the moon did receive from reaching down to the surface. Ostfrei was habitable at one time, but when Oblis was destroyed, Ostfrei was close enough to be affected. Asteroid impacts from the destruction started a seismic chain-reaction which left the moon uninhabitable.[1]
There was not much of note on Ostfrei, so it was ignored by most of the residents of the Cularin system. Ships of the Thaereian Navy were sometimes seen around the moon. The Thaereians had a secret military base on Ostfrei since around 31 BBY, but no ships were seen going down to the moon's surface by observers.

Луна: Ulbasca
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы: Oxygen, poisonous gas
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: Cold rocky desert
Rotation period: Rotation period Eternal
Стандартный год: 1,424 standard days
Описание: Ulbasca was a moon of Genarius. Its orbit around its primary was such that Ulbasca was always situated in the light of the Cularin system's two suns. Light reflected by Genarius meant that even a side of Ulbasca facing away from the suns never experienced a true night.[1]
Ulbasca had a type II atmosphere. Trace amounts of poisonous gases required a breath mask for visits of more than a few hours. The only major life forms on Ulbasca were lizards and snakes. Some of the snakes had short limbs to help with climbing, and the larger snakes could grow up to 40 meters. The reptiles subsisted on the moon's sulferous plants and each other. Ulbasca's surface was mostly flat, but was occasionally broken by mountains and canyons. The reptiles' preferred terrain was in those canyons.[1]
Ulbasca had no mineral wealth of note, but was claimed by two corporations, SoroSuub and Naescorcom. Neither attempted to do any mining of the moon, but argued over mining rights anyway

Луна: Uffel
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы: Poisonous gases
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: Cold rocky desert
Стандартный день: 19 standard hours
Стандартный год: 1,424 standard days
Численность населения:
Основные виды: Immigrated species - Droids
Интересные локации:
Крупные города: X2-4
Описание: Uffel was a droid manufacturing moon run, inhabited, and owned entirely by droids. The moon had a poisonous atmosphere, which is so thick that the planet is kept perpetually in twilight during its day. The first droids came to Uffel with a pair of Twi'leks who were mounting a survey of the moon in 90 BBY. Their ship crashed and the Twi'leks were killed, but the modified protocol droid QS-2D accompanying them survived, along with two R4 units, R4-S2 and R4-J9.[1]
Determining they were free, QS-2D decided to mine the moon. It contacted Riboga the Hutt and arranged for more droids to be delivered for its operation in return for a cut of the mining profits. The mining was successful, and the droids kept building up their operation, expanding into droid manufacturing, with the MSF-series mouse droid being their greatest success. With that line's profits, QS-2D was able to buy out Riboga's interests shortly before Riboga left the system in 53 BBY.[1]
In a few years, QS-2D built the mechanic city of X2-4, which included a single-droid-controlled spaceport but not any accommodation of organics–visiting clients were supposed to use pressure suits. As the droids lacked greed, the incomes were used to improve and maintain the city. QS-2D also designed war droids to protect the factory from any organic attack, led by HG-211; and engineering droid G-8Y5 to develop, maintain and improve the droids in Uffel; G-8Y5 was responsible of the design of local space defense weapon platforms. The Uffel droid designs expanded through the Cularin system and many people in Genarius said that their strange-looking droid was a prototype from Uffel.[1]
After the success of the MSF droid, the initial crash-landing settlement was abandoned in favor of X2-4; the initial mines were also abandoned when they dried out, but the droids looked for other mines to work at.[1]
At some point before 32 BBY, Alderaanian politician Barnab Chistor satisfied his exploring urges of youth by joining an expedition to Uffel. Chistor discovered that scouting was too uncomfortable for his tastes and, when he returned to Cularin, he devoted himself to politics.[1]
Uffel was vainly attacked by four pirate ships in 33 BBY, before the Trade Federation left the Cularin system. The platforms destroyed three ships and shot down the last one; the surviving crew were killed by war droids after the landing.[1]
In 31 BBY, rumor said that Uffel was accepting contracts to design mining machinery able to withstand the conditions of Acilaris, the innermost world in the Cularin system, which was too hot to allow any activity.[1]
At some point during the Yuuzhan Vong War (25-30 ABY), the New Jedi Order-aligned Iron Knights repelled an attack on Uffel by the Red Knights of Life, a Yuuzhan Vong-allied group who abhorred technology.

Астероиды: Cularin system asteroid belt
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Описание: This thin asteroid belt in the Cularin system was the remnants of Oblis, the jungle homeworld of the Oblee. It laid between the orbits of Almas and Genarius. One of the stranger asteroids in the belt was known as the Crystal Snare, a remnant of the large crystal deposits in Oblis.[1]
The belt was used as a hiding place by smugglers working for Nirama. Nirama's criminal organization itself was based on the largest asteroid, over 400 kilometers in diameter.[1] He also controlled other asteroids, including repair station Darkside, which received its name for being always in the shadow of other, bigger asteroids.[2]
It was also used as a hiding place and ambush point for groups of pirates, in the other part of the belt. Ships had to leave hyperspace to pass further in-system, which made it an ideal place for the pirates to prey. [1]
At some point, the Czerka Mining Corporation established a mining outpost, CMC-3, there.[3]
In 188 BBY, former Padawan Kibh Jeen, who had fallen to the dark side due to the Almas Sith fortress, used his mind powers to control the pirates in the asteroid belt and to attract other minions, creating an army that he would use for seven years in the Dark Jedi Conflict: Jeen and his troops, based in the asteroid belt, attacked the planets and the transports in the systems, and disappeared among the asteroids so that no-one could find them. Jeen was eventually killed by a local, Jedi-led armada, but the pirate presence remained in the belt.[1]
In 32 BBY, Colonel Jir Tramsig, a Thaereian officer assigned to protect Cularin system, reacted to the pirate ambushes on civilian ships, by sending military cruisers through that same route; in one ambush, his cruiser destroyed five pirate ships, and discouraged the tactic among the pirates. [1]
In 31 BBY, the Blood Raptors organized a race through the tunnels of Eskaron. The first racer to leave the moon could choose the path for the reminder of the race: Either go through the Cularin system asteroid belt and back, and then to the starting point, Tolea Biqua; or visit the dangerous Nub Saar before returning to Tolea Biqua. Expert Raptor racer Gael Kinner preferred the asteroid belt.[4]
Soon afterwards, The Cell, a faction of Nirama's organization that conspired against him, wrestled with Nirama for the control of some strategic asteroids, including the space station Darkside and the main weapon storage facility Rothe Gate. Nirama eventually defeated the rebellion.[2][5]
One local pirate gang known as the Red Fury Brotherhood had its base in asteroid L-7, although most of the gang almost evacuted L-7 annually to go to the SoroSuub party of the city of Tolea Biqua, in Genarius.[6]
Around 31 BBY, Nirama's agent Len Markus obtained a Sith artifact called Darkstaff in the Cularin belt and attempted to leave the system with it. One decade later, Markus's agent Phylus Mon, who was holding the Darkstaff, tried to hide his ship, Animiasma, in the Belt. The Darkstaff then tried to modify the galaxy around it to its image; however, it only managed to turn the ship, and not the Belt, into a dark side nexus.[7]
Explorer Jag Murrock‎ discovered Adegan crystal extracts in parts of the Cularin asteroid belt around 22 BBY.

Планета: Almas
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Гравитация: Standard
Состав атмосферы: Type I (Breathable)
Температура поверхности, С:
Климат: Kaluthin plains, Wasteland
Стандартный день: 38 standard hours
Стандартный год: 8784 standard days
Численность населения:
Основные виды: Dark Lizard of the Sith, Immigrated species - Humans, Many races
Интересные локации: Almas Academy, Almas Sith fortress
Крупные города: Forard (capital)
Описание: Almas was a terraformed planet in the Cularin system.[1] Its moon, Dorumaa, was a captured satellite, which underwent its own terraforming.
An anomaly in itself, Almas was a molten, terrestrial planet orbiting beyond the usual range for its kind, and due to this it received little sunlight. Despite its hot core, Almas was not very geologically active. It had only two small mountain ranges. The planet's atmosphere was initially filled with poisonous gases like phosphorus and methane, until Sith Lord Darth Rivan, aiming to settle there, developed the kaluthin grass to help alter the atmosphere. Almas had no surface water, but there were underground lakes upon which the kaluthin drew and to which settlers would later built wells. The kaluthin was a success, given that all Almas' water was located underground, and continued to thrive there for centuries.[1]
Over the centuries, the kaluthin spread across the planet and created an atmosphere which was so high in oxygen it was almost toxic to Humans. Trace elements of phosphorus and methane could still have detrimental effects on those who spent months outside without a breath mask. The plants' kilometers-deep taproots also brought up heat from the planet's core, warming the surface. In addition, the purple-green grass gave the planet a distinct aural glow, mainly from the phosphorus it consumed. This living growth was unusually countered by the dark side energy on the planet, which originated in the desert region and slowly spread. The Jedi measured the spread to be one meter per year.[1]
Darth Rivan built there his Sith fortress, at some point before 1,250 BBY. The castle was located on the desert side of the planet. It was built on this planet in hope to gather dark side energy from the Force-dense Cularin system.[1] It was here that Darth Rivan tried to create an corps of Sith Battlelords, but he was betrayed by his apprentice before he could do so.[2]
After decades of living there, Darth Rivan was expelled by the Jedi Knights during the New Sith Wars in the Battle of Almas. Parts of the fortress were destroyed, but its core resisted blaster fire. The Jedi left the planet, ignoring the remains of the building.[1]
The kaluthin, thriving even without Rivan, kept Almas from being worth mining. It grew everywhere besides near the Sith fortress, and its roots delved deep. What little mineral worth the planet had was not worth the added expense of removing the kaluthin from a mining site. However, the planet became a gardenlike site instead of the nightmare it had been - except around the Sith Fortress, where no life could thrive. The kaluthin also processed the phosphorus and generated a glow that illuminated the planet from itself instead of from the sky.[1]
After Reidi Artom re-discovered the system in 232 BBY, two Jedi, master Qornah and his Padawan Kibh Jeen, came to Almas to research Rivan's fortress. The Sith fortress corrupted Jeen, who slew his master, took over the asteroid belt pirates, and started the Dark Jedi Conflict (188-181 BBY). After the Conflict ended, a Jedi school was founded which grew into the Almas Academy, the headmaster of which was Jedi Master Nerra Ziveri, and then his former apprentice, Master Lanius Qel-Bertuk.[1]
The town of Forard grew up around the Academy. The Academy and Forard were built directly upon the kaluthin, which did not seem to affect the plant at all. There was also a kaluthin Forard research station near the town, where possible transplants of kaluthin to other planets were analyzed.[1]
Almas was the only planet in the system not occupied by clone troopers during the Clone Wars.
In 19 BBY, the Dark Jedi Garth Ezzar attacked Almas and destroyed the Almas Academy, killing most of the Jedi there.[3]
Months after the Clone Wars, agents of Bail Prestor Organa infiltrated the ruined temple of the Almas Academy, and found it infested by dark side spirits. They managed to retrieve a holocron through which Jedi Master Denia was able to learn Farseeing techniques which enabled her to learn the identity of the Nazren.[4] The ruins and surrounding area were also home to the Dark lizards of the Sith; a species of Hssiss dragon that was thoroughly permeated with the dark side of the Force.
This article or section assumes the specific path in a roleplaying adventure. Alternate paths are noted in the "Behind the scenes" section. Note: The events in this section may or may not be confirmed as canon.
During the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance established a base on Almas, near to the ruins of the Jedi Academy. Rumors of Alliance activity there reached the Galactic Empire, so Admiral Firmus Piett dispatched a group of Imperial agents to Almas, to investigate. Shortly after the agents arrived, the stormtrooper platoon that had been assigned to protect them went missing. The agents soon found the Rebel base, but it was abandoned. It was covered under a large amount of foliage and barricades had been erected by the Rebels, to protect them from attacked by dark lizards, Believers and t'salaks. A rescue party sent by the Alliance then arrived and they assumed that the Imperials had caused the disappearance of all their comrades in the base.[5]
Assumption ends here.
Years were calculated on the planet and elsewhere in the Cularin system using the "After Artom" system of time measurement.[1]
Behind the scenes
In Spanish and Portuguese, "Almas" is the plural word for "Soul". In Russian, "Almaz" (Алмаз) is the word for "Diamond". The Almaz program was a Soviet series of military reconnaissance space stations.


Планета: Dorumaa
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до планеты:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: Oceans, Tropical islands, Surface water - 85%
Стандартный день: 28 standard hours
Стандартный год: 8,784 standard days
Численность населения:
Основные виды: Nus Whales, Leviathans, Giant sea turtles, Fish, Immigrated species - Humans, Gungans, Twi'leks, Reks, Rifi fish (possibly native), Lulari trees
Интересные локации: Greentree Pointe, Whitesand Island, Tropix island, Action World, Dorumaa Base, Dorumaa Excavation
Крупные города:
Описание: Dorumaa was the resort moon of Almas. It was once an inner planet of the Cularin system. Its orbit at that time crossed that of Oblis. Dorumaa was at its closest when Oblis was destroyed, and the force of that destruction thrust Dorumaa farther out in the system. It was eventually captured by the gravitation pull of Almas. Having moved far away from its suns, Dorumaa froze.[3]
In 47 BBY, the Dorumaa Investment Group began terraforming Dorumaa to turn it into a resort world. Power generators were installed near the moon's core to warm it and recycle the atmosphere. Gravity generators were also installed.[3]
The living creatures caught when the planet was frozen thawed out. The creatures themselves were dead, but some eggs of many species managed to survive the thaw and the seas were soon teeming with life - although the local fauna, adapting to the newer conditions, had a shorter lifespan.[3] Special attention was paid to a pair of baby Leviathans, whose mother had apparently survived the freezing and thawing process, at least long enough to give birth to the pair.
Despite the revived water life making the moon a bit more dangerous than most resorts, Dorumaa was one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mid-Rim and was terraformed to become the Dorumaa resort. The Head Manager was young Human Mar Daghreb, who controlled five property managers, each of them with five managers under their command. Dorumaa's facilities included family-oriented islands, staffed by young people so perpetually smiling that they were known as the Neo-Caarites. [3]
Unfortunately, unexpected local fauna still surprised even the investors (although sometimes, such as with the human-friendly, ridable giant sea turtles, it was a pleasurable surprise). Local boat renter Rena Laut, who considered herself an expert in local aquatic fauna, was sometimes hired as a guide to avoid "unfortunate encounters". Should any vacationers disappear, the investors solved the legal problem with a generous donation to their surviving relatives. [3]
Circa 47 BBY, a research team discovered a cave, the Dorumaa Excavation, with supposed writings in the wall and other proofs of an ancient, yet-unknown species living in the Cularin system. Before any further research could be performed, the Dorumaa Investment Group built a floating land platform over the site and refused to allow access. The researcher's reports ended in Rorkee, a floating city in the nearby gas giant Genarius. Roarkee built a reproduction of the dig site to attract the tourism wanting to believe in old alien species.[2]
In 32 BBY, the Cularin system joined the Galactic Republic and the first Senator asked for military presence in the system to deter the frequent pirate attacks. The commanding officer of the Thaereian military forces that were sent, a Colonel Jir Tramsig, built his first post in Dorumaa to analyze the situation and attacked some of the pirate bases in the system's asteroid belt from there. later, he built a new base in the planet Cularin. [3] This did not affect the tourism industry; a week of vacation in Dorumaa was still an appreciated award, as shown when the Jedi Knight Alec paid one to his permitor Delan in 31 BBY.[4]
There was also a fishing industry in Dorumaa, including fisherman Drac Gerrat. The Thaereian military used this fact to build a base on Dorumaa: At the direction of an anonymous member, Identification #43641, which was suspected to be the Thaereians, the Dorumaa Investment Group built a deep sea landing platform, officially intended as a drop-off point for deep-sea fishing.[3] Identification #43641 also publicly notified that those proofs of native intelligent life in Dorumaa Excavation were false; however, access to the site was still forbidden.[2]
During the Clone Wars, the Thaereians were driven out of Dorumaa in the Battle of Dorumaa.[1]
After the Cularin system reappeared from its near-decade long disappearance, Kaminoan scientist Ko Sai hid on Dorumaa from the various organizations pursuing her. She was found in 21 BBY by Kal Skirata and his allies.


Планетоид: Морджакар
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы: вакуум
Температура поверхности, С:
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Описание: Морджакар – планетоид, изначально находившийся в системе на другом конце Галактики. Когда его звезда разбухла в красного гиганта, поглотив все остальные планеты, это нарушило баланс между центробежной силой и притяжением планеты, и Морджакар улетел в глубокий космос. В конце концов он попал в систему Куларина (хотя и не стал ее частью) и был захвачен мощным гравитационным колодцем двойной звезды. Он оказался на необычной орбите под странным углом к другим планетам системы и потому разведчики его пропустили.
Неизвестно, был ли он населен, хотя до 31 BBY не было проведено должных исследований.

Планета: Куларинское кометное облако
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Температура поверхности, С:
Описание: Система Куларина окружена плотным комптным облаком, остатками времен формирования системы. Большинство комет двигаются по причудливым траекториям вокруг ссистемы, а некотоыре из них имеют плотные ядра, подобные планетарным.
Они встречаются друг с другом и сталкиваются, разбрасывая ледяные осколки, и порождая меньшие кометы.
Облако некоторое время мешало гиперпространственным путешествиям. Это раздражало некоторых из обитателей системы, хотя и укрепляло ее защиту.
Корабль Брина Хеск’ла однажды нашли покинутым в кометном облаке.

Солнце: Морасиль
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Морасиль – одна из двух парных звезд в системе Куларина. Морасиль – основная звезда, а ее компаньон – белый карлик Термадус. Морасиль куда старше, возможно, не младше самой Галактики. Без Термадуса ее холодный желтый свет не достигает астероидного пояса. А вот вместе с Термадусом и газовым туманом между ними, они дают свет как одна яркая звезда. Вместе они также отбрасывают и куда большую гиперпространственную тень.

Солнце: Термадус
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс:
Светимость (в солнечных):
Диаметр (в солнечных):
Описание: Термадус – белый карлик, компаньон основной звезды Морасиль в системе Куларина. Термадус куда моложе своей спутницы. Газовый туман, возникающий между ними вызван тем, что Термадус притягивает газ из короны Мороасиль. Вместе они дают столько же света, сколько даст одна яркая звезда. А в сочетании они также отбрасывают куда большую гиперпространственную тень, чем можно судить по их данным в отдельности.

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:15

Должен - значит могу!
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сообщение 18 Сентябрь 2009, 02:02
Сообщение #15

Орьен. Меч Мандалора
Иконка группы

Группа: Завсегдатай
Сообщений: 2229
Регистрация: 21 Октябрь 2004
Из: Минск-Мандалорианский
Пользователь №: 1312
Раса: Астэ-тайрон


Система: Дракенвелл
Регион: Срединное Кольцо
Сектор: сектор Долдура
Галактические координаты: P-15
Количество тел в системе: планета Дракенвелл

Планета: Дракенвелл
Координаты в системе:
Расстояние до солнца:
Окружность экватора, км:
Состав атмосферы:
Температура поверхности, С:
Ландшафт: города, океаны
Стандартный день:
Стандартный год:
Численность населения:
Основные виды: люди
Интересные локации:
Предприятия: промышленный комплекс "БласТек", Дракенвелльские Верфи
Крупные города: Иль Авали (столица)
Описание: Дракенвелл – промышленный мир в секторе Долдура на Кореллианском маршруте. Он принадлежал Торговой Федерации и во время Войны Клонов был верен Конфедерации Независимых Систем. Больше всего он известен из-за оружейного комплекса компании «БласТек», расположенного там, а также из-за дракенвелльских верфей.
Это перенаселенная городская планета, управляемая корпоративными гильдиями. Набитые жителями города Дракенвелла разделены обширными океанами, и почти вся суша на планете тем или иным образом разрабатывалась. Поэтому большое внимание уделялось снижению опасности загрязнения и защите немногих оставшихся ресурсов планеты. 9,3 миллиарда дракенвелльцев – по большей части работники мощных корпораций планеты, живущие в переполненных метрополисах.
В тщательно распланированных городах есть особые зоны для различных классов работников – районы «синих воротничков», деловые офисы, промышленные зоны и немногочисленные парки удовольствий и сады для корпоративной элиты. Строгие демографические законы Дракенвелла запрещают вступать в брак, пока пара не докажет финансовую независимость.
В городе Иль Авали находится таверна «Счастливая посадка» и оружейный комплекс И’атта, где был создан персональный щит для защиты брони штурмовиков от бластерного огня.
Когда, незадолго до битвы при Явине, имперский мофф Эйсен Кериот попытался забрать щит себе и присвоить изобретение, то Тиниан И’атт (молодая наследница корпорации) сбежала вместе с изобретением и покинула Дракенвелл с помощью музыкальной группы «Сумеречные сердца». Дайе Азур-Джамин, любовник Тиниан, сумел уничтожить комплекс и вторгшихся имперцев, но чуть было не погиб при этом.
На Дракенвелле также находятся корпоративные офисы «SGI Системс Инк.», крупного производителя компонентов дроидов-убийц для черного рынка. В некий период после битвы при Явине имперские чиновники национализировали компанию, а также и несколько других корпораций схожего профиля, получив контроль над рынком дроидов в Срединном Кольце.


Солнце: Druckenwell
Координаты в системе:
Спектральный класс: G2V
Светимость (в солнечных): 1,2
Диаметр (в солнечных): 1,15
Описание: Солнце системы Druckenwell относится к классу

Сообщение отредактировал V-Z - 18 Сентябрь 2009, 22:12

Должен - значит могу!
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